Illinois Access to Justice is an Illinois state-wide program that seeks to mitigate the devastating consequences of all forms of detention and incarceration and the resulting crippling effects on historically marginalized communities. Through a coalition of community-centered organizations, we are expanding the network of holistic community-based legal services, including direct legal representation and mass legal literacy campaigns led by Community Navigators.

The Illinois Access to Justice network provides high quality legal services in the neighborhoods where people live and work, with the goal of reducing the collateral consequences of the justice system on individuals, their families and their communities. Legal Services include representation in criminal, civil, administrative, and immigration matters.
Types of cases include (but are not limited to):
- Criminal Defense
- Criminal Records Relief
- Vital Documents
- Employment Matters
- Special Immigrant Juvenile Statue
- Family Law
- Access to Healthcare
- Income Maintenance & Support
- Adjustment of Status
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
- U visa, T visa & VAWA
- Deportation Defense
- Temporary Protective Status
- Asylum
- Housing

On February 6, 2019, I was released from IDOC after serving over 20 years for a survival crime. Because of CGLA who partnered with a large law firm, my case was brought back before the courts and I became the first person to be represented and released under Illinois' new Domestic Violence law. We need Illinois Access to Justice for people like me. –Willete
Community Navigators serve as community educators and connectors. Community Navigator Programs recognize the role, talent, and expertise of community members directly affected by deportation and incarceration and provide invaluable outreach, education, document preparation, and navigation assistance to Illinois’ marginalized communities.

On December 6th, my husband was detained by ICE while our son watched. Katherine, an Illinois Access to Justice Attorney represented my husband at no cost; on January 9th my husband was released on bond. He is at home with our children. –Karla
- Acclivus, Inc
- Alianza Hispanoamericana
- Ascend Justice
- Beyond Legal
- Binational Institute of Human Development
- BUILD, Inc.
- Cabrini Green Legal Aid
- Catholic Charities Legal Aid
- Centro de Información
- Centro de Trabajadores Unidos
- Centro Romero
- Chicago Community & Workers' Rights
- Chicago Area Fair Housing Association
- Chicago Legal Clinic
- Chicago Torture Justice Center
- Chicago Urban League
- Chicago Volunteer Legal Services
- Chicago Workers' Collaborative
- Children's Legal Center
- Cornerstone
- Ecker Center
- Equip for Equality
- Erie Neighborhood House
- Farmworker & Landscaper Advocacy Project
- First Defense Legal Aid
- First Followers
- HANA Center
- Heartland Alliance's National Immigrant Justice Center
- Hispanic American Community Education and Services (HACES)
- Illinois Legal Aid Online
- Illinois Prison project
- Immigration Project
- Indo-American Center
- Instituto del Progreso Latino
- Land of Lincoln
- Lawndale Christian Legal Center
- Lawyers Committee for Better Housing
- Legal Aid Chicago
- Legal Aid Society of Metropolitan Family Services
- Legal Council for Health Justice
- Logan Square Neighborhood Association
- Metropolitan Family Services
- Metropolitan Tenants Organization
- Moran Center
- Muslim Women Resource Center
- North Suburban Legal Aid Clinic
- Northern Illinois Justice for our Neighbors
- Northwest Side Housing Center
- Partners for Our Communities
- Prairie State Legal Services
- Proviso Leyden Council for Community Action, Inc. (PLCCA)
- Public Interest Law Initiative
- The Resurrection Project
- Safer Foundation
- Southwest Organizing Project
- Spanish Community Center
- Syrian Community Network
- Teamwork Englewood
- The Evans Exoneration Project
- The Monroe Foundation
- United African Organization
- University YMCA New American Welcome Center
- Uptown People's Law Center
- Warehouse Workers for Justice
- Western Illinois Dreamers
- Westside Justice Center
- YMCA Northwestern Illinois, La Voz Latina

- The Resurrection Project
- Westside Justice Center
- Cabrini Green Legal Aid
- CLINIC, The Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc
- DePaul University, College of Law Legal Clinics
- Erie Neighborhood House
- Lawndale Christian Legal Center
- National Immigrant Justice Center, a Heartland Alliance Program
- National Partnership for New Americans
- Rincon Family Services
- Shiver Center on Poverty Law